Build Your Own Engineering
Project This summer

The Buildery is an in-person summer program in Austin, Texas that coaches high school students through the process of discovering, building, and showcasing an epic engineering project.



    Whether it's Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, or any other specialization, you have the opportunity to find what resonates with you. It can help you determine which aligns best with your passions, college, and career goals.


    Our coaches will guide you through how to safely use the equipment in our lab, which includes 3D printers, a laser cutter, soldering irons, and power tools. In addition to mastering the technical aspects, you will also cultivate an engineering mindset and embrace the art of design thinking, essential for innovation as a product creator.


    On day one you start building your project. All parts are included in he price of our program. Students work with our coaches to choose a project from our database over over 100 ideas. And the best part, you get to take the project home.


    In addition to your build, we will also guide you through your creation of an online project portfolio. This portfolio covers your project details, the process you followed, skills gained, and includes photos and videos. You can easily share this portfolio with family, friends, employers, and colleges.


  • Soccer ball launcher using scooter parts

  • Lacrosse Helmet that detects and measures impacts

  • The motherboard for a computer

  • Disaster recovery rover with remote video feed

  • CNC Drawing Robot

The Buildery provided a fantastic hands-on experience for our son as he headed into his senior year.  Troy Lanier leads participants to accomplish more than they thought they were capable of when the program started.

Erin J, Northwest Hills, Austin

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